Over $1.1 million raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

May 16th, 2019 by


Saturday night, May 11, hundreds of people gathered together at the Hilton Portland Downtown for the 2019 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Man & Woman of the Year Award Gala with one common goal — raising funds for research to BEAT CANCER!

This marked the 15th anniversary of LLS’s Man & Woman of the Year in Oregon & SW Washington, and was a record-breaking year for multiple reasons:

  • The gala sold out in 5 days
  • This was the largest class of MWOY Candidates – 15 including 1 All-Star alumni candidate, Geri Naumcheff
  • This was the highest amount raised by any class
  • This year had the greatest number of, and involvement from, corporate partners

When the final numbers were tallied from both the MWOY and Students of the Year campaigns, the MWOY candidates raised $923,327 and Students of the Year candidates raised of $177,000. In total, these amazing leaders in our area raised over $1.1 million toward a world without cancer in just 17 weeks!

Lanphere Auto Group is proud to have had the opportunity to be Presenting Sponsor for MWOY, and we are blown away by all of the amazing people who came together for this incredible cause. Congratulations to the Man and Woman of the Year, Dr. Bud Pierce and Sherrie Austin, and to the Lanphere Hope Award winner, Tommy Schroeder!

Posted in Charity, Community